Minecraft: HEY HEY HEY

Whenever I think of wonderful world of Minecraft, I think of one particular song.

Oh yeah, that sets the mood nicely. Right, so two weeks ago you may have noticed some silence on my blog that I attributed to the time vampire that is Minecraft. In particular, I was toiling away at a parking garage on the server that I play on because why the hell not? Well here she is in all of her glory.

Garage at night
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Here you can see it's asymmetrical design reminding me how much cooler the garage would have been if the entire structure had three layers of pillars.

Garage looking dramatic at night
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The moon and stars in the clear sky provides a great backdrop for the overall brutish (Best word ever, perhaps?) look I was aiming for with this garage.

Interior shot of parking garage
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Centered is the ramp that takes cars to the second and third parking floors. There are stairs for pedestrians on the outside (not pictured). Also not pictured are some rather questionable parked cars made out of wool.

Restaurant entrace
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On the third floor is a surprise restaurant! :O

LZ's Bar & Grill
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LZ's Bar & Grill kitchen
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The kitchen. Note how the fireplace hasn't burnt the entire complex down. That's called clever engineering you guys.

Dining area of LZ's Bar & Grill
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Pictured here is the outside dining area. As you can see, LZ's Bar & Grill is a very fyancy place.

Roof top park
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Probably not the best angle for this, but the photo is of the garages rooftop garden.

Lots of work put into a creative video game and here's my result. My next project includes a gas station with a jumping puzzle/pakour, and probably the ER of the actual hospital. Until then, let me know if you enjoyed this new type of post in comments below as I am aiming for a bit more variety of the content on PMI. In this case, I will make posts concerning specific videogames that I am playing and/or thinking about.

Anyway, do any of you guys regularly play Minecraft? If so, tell me, what's something badass that you have built?

Stay tuned to PMI by following me on twitter @PlusMinusINF and on Facebook if you want to see more Minecraft related posts in the future in addition to game and movie reviews. Also don't forget to share this post if you've enjoyed it, pretty please.
