War for Cybertron: Siege Chromia has a Secret and She Don't Care Who Knows

I’m gonna be honest with ya’ll, I’ve never been a fan of Cybertronian vehicle modes. There’s something about how they could be designed to look like anything since there’s no standard for what a space alien car should look like, yet they tend to look like a dumb skateboard or an ugly jellybean. 

Chromia’s alt mode goes the skateboard route, but, hey, it's super detailed with nice paint. It's done so well it's easy to miss her robot mode bosom is sticking out at the top. Her alt mode is just her laying on her robot mode back with a car-shell-skirt over her legs. 

Roll your eyes if you want, but I’m not the one who gave this robot kahootas. I don't understand how or why robots are gendered to begin with, but it's not like her robot mode's chest plate comes off or anything.

Let's get her into robot mode.

She looks pree' cool, doesn't she? I love the old timey nurse look of her helmet and how she can wield the sniper rifle she had from the Netflix show. It's cool enough to actually distract from the gargantuan amount of car mode pieces hanging off of her back and legs.

I suppose I’m being generous, but I really love her colors and range of articulation. You can even get her in weak-anime person poses that Otakus love so much.

So about that secret I alluded to in the title: her underwear comes off. Sorry in advance for the photo you're going to see, but I got a point a prove.

Hasbro, one of the few fembot characters just so happens to have panties that pop off if you move her thighs a little in robot mode? Reeaally? C'moooooon. Look at the gross photo you made me take. Look at it. Y’all know y’all wrong for that. 

I'm all for different kinds of humans having different kinds of heroes to look up to, but I feel Hasbro can do this better without making toys suitable for that Weird Display we've all seen in anime themed shops. I guess this is what happens when a dumb cartoon based on strange, Japanese toys accidentally gets super popular in America. Optimus Prime and the boys make young boys feel powerful and cool without removeable underwear is my point. 

Let's move on.

Ya' know that gunsmith thing from Modern Warfare I keep talking about at any chance I get? Chromia comes with a weapon accessory that lets you mix match parts to form a smorgasbord of weaponry!

Overall, she has a neat, poseable robot mode, an okay alt mode with robot genitals on display, and an awesome customizable accessory. Get her for that cool weapon, but keep her for her womanly wiles, I guess. Ugh.
