Top 5 Worst things You'll HATE About Modern Warfare

Welcome to the 2nd part of my Modern Warfare review. Here's the 1st part covering all the goodness of this game. This is the bad part if you couldn't tell from the all-caps HATE in the title. Let's get into it.

1. No Season Pass (Here's the rest of the catch)

Right, so not having to buy a $50 expansion pass that divides the community is great along with free maps and weapons. This is 100% better than the garbage system in Black Ops 4. But ya'll know how Activision and Infinity Ward are gonna scrape every scent they can. Instead, Modern Warfare wants you to spend $20 every 3 months for a chance to unlock cosmetics and other dumb trinkets through slowly leveling up. After the "season", they're all gone. You weren't planning on playing other games, were you?

Ya'll, I don't wanna hear any nonsense about how this is better than before, because this ain't gotta be a binary choice. Why can't players play this game at their own pace? This is Modern Warfare following the latest trend of money-grubbing set by Fortnight and it sucks.

Offer cosmetic items, yes, but let us buy them when we feel like it. This new "season" system is the equivalent of a car salesman pressuring you to spend money and it's supper irritating.

But see, unlike Fortnite, this game cost $60 to begin with. Where's the confidence, IW, that we'll play your game because it's fun, spending a few bucks here and there when we feel like it? 

No, instead you install a dumb FOMO generator that requires way too much time to unlock things in as if Modern Warfare should be the only game we ever play until the next COD game comes out.

Ugh. I recognize it's up to the gamers to simply avoid buying that stuff and it'll go away because, at the end of the day, Activision is in the business of making money. But still.

Moving on. 

2. Camping Galore

Ya'll, as much as I love the feel of playing this game, I just can't with all the dumpy campers just everywhere. They're easy enough to dislodge as overall health is not as high as in previous COD games and anti-explosive perks aren't as powerful (So your grenades can easily dislodge 'em, too), but this game does feel to cater towards that one specific play-style. You can read more about that nonsense here. where IW dudes said their goal was make sure beginners don't get dumped on constantly.

I'm the last person to think any mainstream video game should cater to gaming professionals in the slightest, but I also don't think they should cater to complete noobs either. Besides, COD games are known to make it so your 6 year old cousin can pick up a controller and get a 5 kill streak relatively easily, did Modern Warfare need to be even more noob and camper friendly? 

I mean, just look at this dork camping in the spawn area with a Barret 50 cal sniper rifle with exploding bullets.

Like, at some point just stay down dude.
Trust me when I say this isn't regular moaning of campers; this a SUPER moaning. Like why are we back to letting players have 2 claymores? Often times you'll get shot from an area that is literally black on your screen but looks clear as day on your enemy's side. Yeah, it's the "realistic" lighting and all, but c'mooooooooon.

It's so prevalent that a large portion of the community have resigned themselves to playing modes specifically designed for faster, less campy gameplay. It's a playlist that usually involves Shipment and Shoothouse, and in true abusive-relationship fashion, IW only gives us the playlist for short periods only to take it away later like clockwork. 
No matter, campers will still find a way. Those turds.

3. No Server Browser

This ties into what I was saying before about those close quarters battle playlists that pop up based on how IW feels one particular week. Because MW enables cross platform multiplayer by default in many modes, we should also be able to chose the maps we want to play through a server browser. I get that goes against the pick up and play ethos COD is known for, but everybody appreciates options. Who cares if players "level up too fast" so long as they're having fun?

Battlefield V's browser is a great example of one that should be in Modern Warfare.
Look IW, we want to play because the game is fun, ya' know, and if we feel compelled to spend more on cosmetics, we will. I promise. Do these underhanded tactics to make people play this game for hours and hours really translate to extra money spent? 

I'm gonna guess... Probably. But still, it's super lame. Give us a server a browser.

4. Making COD Friends is Harder Than Ever

Typically, after you finish a multiplayer match you're returned to a lobby where all of the players can change their loadouts and chat. In previous games, this has lead to a ton of bullying and rage quitting and some players wouldn't just leave a lobby after getting destroyed 5 times in a row.

In a supposed move to counter this, I guess, MW sends everyone to a different lobby after each match.

Like, you'll be playing with a good group of people, kicking butt left and right to win a match. Afterward, you'll be internet high-fiving in victory only to hear your new friends' voices cut short. Dead silence fills your headset as a new lobby begins loading.

Well there's an in-game recently met players list that updates... eventually. Oh, you didn't write down all of the weird Xbox and PS4 usernames displayed in tiny text because modern games haven't caught up to 4K TVs yet (let alone HD TVs) to add them later in the 3 seconds you have at the end of a match before everyone is split up? No?

Too bad. Enjoy playing alone, loser.

Beyond that, I say if your hubris makes you stick around for multiple matches of getting stomped on then that builds character. It's a teaching moment, if you will, about knowing how to walk away.

I'm mostly kidding, guys. Bullying sucks and I welcome all measures to circumvent that in online gaming, but I think Infinity Ward could've came up with a better solution here.

5. You're Not a Loser, But MW Can Make You Feel Like One

I'm getting super tired of repeating the same crap in every negatives list of every COD review I write. But here we go: the same, typical COD logic and nonsense is present in this game for no reason other than to you anger you.

The typical lag, stuttering, bad spawns, launched projectiles disappearing from reality if you're killed immediately after firing it, so-so hit-scan registration, "invisible" enemies, stupid as hell ground sliding, and the equally dumb heights and lengths you can jump up an across the air are all still here to dampen your game. 

You can argue the last two exist for fun's sake, but everything else is here to anger you. You see, if you get killed because of any of those things, you can point to them for why you got killed. It wasn't your lack of timing, skill, or dumb luck, you see, it was because of lag or bad spawns that you cannot control. 

So you quickly respawn to try again, embolden that maybe on this new life those things won't affect you this time and you'll get your kill streak and the cycle repeats. You're not gonna let uncontrollable variables outsmart you, are ya'?

I personally doubt all of that nonsense is required for this game to be fun. Just how many tricks does this franchise need to use to keep us playing? Just, I want to see just one COD game that plays more honestly. Modern Warfare has sooo much else going for it and I feel it should've been the best, modern-style COD ever.

But nope, terrible spawns and lag are still things. Real Shame.

Those terrible spawns allowed me to go ham with an RC-gun, but still. Real shame.
Is Modern Warfare Worth It, Though?

Hell yeah. Modern Warfare tries to be all things to all kinds of FPS players and it hits more marks than it misses. If anything, here's a huge variety of playlists, like Warzone, that each have different appeal that nullifies some of the negatives listed here. 

Basically, ya'll, you should buy this game now if you haven't already and play with me so I can show you my 5 AK, M4, and SCAR variants
